Chicken Tagine with Caramelized Onions

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Origin of the recipe:            Moroccan Cuisine
  Number of persons:          6 Persons.
  Preparation Time:             0 h 20 min
  Cooking Time:                 0 h 40 min
  Difficulty:                         Easy
  Price:                               reasonable


1 chicken (1 kg), ready to cook and cut into 4 portions
1 kg of onions
150g raisins
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ginger
1 dose of saffron
a dash of olive oil
salt and pepper
1 dose of saffron threads

Preparation of chicken tagine with caramelized onions:

To prepare the recipe for chicken tagine with caramelized onions:

Soak in a bowl the raisins and cover with hot water for ten minutes.

In a pot (or tajine) saute the onions in a little olive oil until they become transparent.

add chicken pieces and cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, salt and pepper, mix

when the chicken and onions are blond, cover with water (preferably hot) and simmer for about 40 min

Finally add raisins and cook about 10 minutes. (until the sauce reduces and becomes very smooth).

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