Food Moroccan: Chicken Tajine with sweet potatoes and raisins

Origine of the recipe: Moroccan Cuisine, Food Moroccan
 Number of persons: 6 Persons.
 Preparation Time: 0 h 15 min
 Cooking Time: 0 h 40 min
 Difficulty: Easy
 Price: reasonable


1 medium chicken cut into pieces
3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
100g whole almonds, blanched
125g seedless raisins
50ml olive oil
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon of honey
400ml chicken stock
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preparation of chicken tagine with sweet potatoes and raisins:

To prepare this Food Moroccan recipe for chicken tagine with sweet potatoes and raisins:

Heat the olive oil in a tagine or pot over medium heat until it is hot. Enter the chicken with seasoning golden color everywhere. Remove from the pan, then reduce the heat and add the sweet potatoes, almonds and raisins.

Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes until the sweet potato begins to soften. Sprinkle with ground spices and mix well. Put the chicken in the pot, then cover the mixture with the chicken broth.

Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook for 20-25 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.

Add honey, salt and pepper. Remove from heat and serve immediately tajine.

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