Food moroccan: Chicken tagine with olives and mushrooms

Origin of the recipe: Moroccan Cuisine, Food Moroccan
  Number of persons: 4 Persons.
  Preparation Time: 0 h 30 min
  Cooking Time: 0 h 45 min
  Difficulty: Easy
  Price: reasonable


6 chicken thighs
500g minced meat
500 g fresh tomatoes
200 g canned sliced ​​mushrooms
1 egg, 25g butter
500g pitted green olives
1 bunch chopped fresh coriander
1 dose of saffron
3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon. Coffee ground white pepper
1 tablespoon. teaspoon salt

Preparation of chicken tajine with olives and mushrooms:

To prepare this food moroccan  recipe for chicken tagine with olives and mushrooms:

In a pressure cooker, put the butter, chicken thighs, 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper as, saffron, and cook 5 minutes over low heat. Add the tomatoes previously boiled to remove their skin, then chopped. Moisten with 1 liter of water. Bake for 20 min under pressure.

Meanwhile, put the olives in a pot of water and boil for 5 minutes to remove excess salt. Remove from heat, rinse with cold water and drain. Let them wait.
Prepare meatballs: put in a container minced meat, 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper as much, add? Beef, bouquet of coriander and mix well.

Shape into balls about 2 cm in diameter until total exhaustion meat. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and cook the meatballs 2 or 3 minutes without letting them take color.

Once finished cooking the chicken, remove the pan and replace it with olives, meatballs and mushrooms. Simmer 5 minutes, then sprinkle with cilantro.

Serve meatballs with sauce and olives in a tajine and place the chicken thighs all around.

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