Preparation of grains Couscous

By Ahmed Hajouj.

You can opt for rolling couscous semolina couscous directly or prefabricated.

To prepare the couscous from semolina:

  2 kg semolina average
  100 g butter
  1 cup of tea oil
  1 tablespoon oil

Put the couscous in a bowl special called "Kasaa" or in a bowl large enough.

The spread and gradually pour in water (3-4 glass of water), mixing by hand and rolling the fingers to separate the seeds, after proceed with the five fingers spread with a circular motion.

Add oil and salt always turning. Sift the coarse mesh sieve special called "Gharbal." Then put the grain in the "Keskass" top rack of the steamer. Dip a cloth strip in a mixture of flour and water. Wrap the point of contact between the pan and the top rack to prevent steam from escaping. Cook uncovered until the steam passes through the couscous.

Remove the "Keskass" top vessez the pot and its contents into the bowl. Sprinkle the 2 glasses of water and a large wooden spoon spread it roughly in the basin. Sprinkle las oil seeds while the fingering lightly to loosen the lumps. Tamp the couscous in any part of the bowl and let it absorb the water for half an hour.

Scatter the seeds in the bowl and aerate it by turning it with fingers outstretched hand. Réadaptez the "Keskass" on the pot after the contents and put the seeds.

Cook for half an hour. Remove the "Keskass" top pot and pour the grain into the bucket.

As soon as the heat is bearable, separate the grains gradually rolling lumps between the palms of both hands in a circular motion.

Serve immediately with couscous dotting butter chips. Otherwise, cover the seed with a towel and warm in the basket before serving.

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